Ubuntu and Debian approach system administration a bit differently
than other Linux distributions. Instead of logging in as the "root"
user to do system tasks, or becoming root by using the su command you
are encouraged to do your system administration using sudo. By
default your user has privileges to do this. Let's practice this by
running some privileged commands from your user account.
First, log in if you have not done so. Once you are logged in you'll
see something like this:
We'll represent this prompt with the abbreviation "$".
Now try to look at the system password file with actual encrypted passwords:
$ less /etc/shadow
The first time you attempt this it will fail. Instead do the following:
$ sudo less /etc/shadow
You will be prompted for a password. This is your user's password.
Type it in and you should see the contents of the protected file
/etc/shadow (press "q" to exit the output on the screen).
If you wish to issue a command that requires system privileges, use
the sudo command. For instance, if you are interested in seeing what
groups your account belongs to you can type:
$ sudo vigr
You are now in the vi editor (you have a handout to help you with this
editor). Type:
Then press the "n" key for "next" to see each group you belong to.
Notice that you are in the "adm" group. To exit vi type:
Get used to using "sudo" to do your system administration work.
Exercise number 9, will give you a couple of other options for using
system privileged commands as well.
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* ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก กลอนรัก