Suggested Readings for Students (see Print Resources for annotations and URLs)
Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2001. The Nature and Properties of Soils
(13th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2003. Elements of the Nature and
Properties of Soils (2nd Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, Inc.
Coleman, David, and Dak Crossley. 1996. Fundamentals of Soil Ecology.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Lewandowski, Ann (ed.). 1999. Soil Biology Primer. USDA, Natural
Resources Conservation Service.
Magdoff, Fred, and Ray R. Weil (eds.). 2004. Soil Organic Matter in
Sustainable Agriculture. Advances in Agroecology Series: Volume 11.
CRC Press. (See especially Chapters 10 and 11.)
Plaster, Edward J. 2003. Chapter 5: Life in the soil. In Soil Science
and Management (4th Edition). Delmar Thomson Learning.
Print Resources
Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2001. The Nature and Property of Soils
(13th edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
A standard text for introducing soil science at the college level.
Covers physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils.
Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2003. Elements of the Nature and
Properties of Soils (2nd Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
An abridged version of The Nature and Property of Soils. Explains the
essentials of soil science in a manner relevant to many fields of
Brussaard, Lijbert, and R. Mexico Ferrera-Cerrato. 1997. Soil Ecology
in Sustainable Agricultural Systems. CRC Press.
Soil Ecology in Sustainable Agricultural Systems demonstrates the
considerable potential for the application of soil biological
knowledge to the sound management of agroecosystems. Chapters 1-6
cover basic studies, with some focusing on the dual nature of roots
and soil organic matter as sinks and sources of carbon and nutrients.
Other studies focus on the effects of structure-following and
structure-forming soil organisms on biochemical and biophysical
processes. Chapter 7 takes a more holistic approach and ties basic
knowledge together at the agroecosystem level and discusses developing
biological management practices that optimize soil properties for
sustained agricultural use. Agronomists will find new research and
applications for using the tools of ecology to understand the workings
of an agricultural system, and environmentalists and ecologists will
gain a better understanding of ecosystems that are created by both man
and nature.
Coleman, David, and Dak Crossley. 1996. Fundamentals of Soil Ecology.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
An excellent textbook introduction to the subject. Gives an overview
of the basics, and attempts to consider the applications.
Dindal, Daniel (ed.). 1990. Soil Biology Guide. New York: Wiley.
An outstanding but technical text with chapters including taxonomic
keys and basic biology/ecology on virtually all organisms found in
Doran, John, and Alice Jones (eds.). 1996. Methods for Assessing Soil
Quality. Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication # 49.
Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of America.
This volume explores the application of the idea of soil quality to
sustainable environmental management in agriculture and other
Ingham, Elaine. 2002. The soil foodweb: its importance in ecosystem
health. Available online:
An overview of soil food web function and structure; how the soil food
web maintains environmental quality through ecosystem services; and
how the soil food web is degraded and restored. Includes a short
technical discussion of interpreting soil food web structure.
Lewandowski, Ann (ed.). 1999. Soil Biology Primer. USDA, Natural
Resources Conservation Service, PA-1637. Available from:; see also
An excellent introductory overview of soil biology and ecology.
Contains many useful photos and colorful charts.
Magdoff, Fred, and Ray R. Weil (eds.). 2004. Soil Organic Matter in
Sustainable Agriculture. Advances in Agroecology: Volume 11. CRC
This textbook explores the beneficial effects of organic matter on
soil and the various practices that enhance soil organic matter (SOM).
Chapters include an examination of the results of crop management
practices on soil organisms, organic matter gains and losses, the
significance of various SOM fractions, and the contributions of fungi
and earthworms to soil quality and crop growth. Emphasizing the
prevention of imbalances that lead to soil and crop problems, the text
also explores the development of soils suppressive to plant diseases
and pests, and relates SOM management to the supply of nutrients to
crops. This book provides the essential scientific background and
poses the challenging questions that students need to address to
better understand SOM and develop improved soil and crop management
systems. See especially Chapter 10, "Soil and Crop Management Effects
on Soil Microbiology," and Chapter 11, "Interactions between Organic
Matter, Earthworms and Microorganisms in Promoting Plant Growth."
Plaster, Edward J. 2003. Soil Science and Management (4th Edition).
Delmar Thomson Learning.
This non-technical and easy-to-understand resource teaches the
essentials of soils from the perspective of farmers, horticulturists,
environmentalists, and others who are concerned about how soils work
and how they are used most effectively. The text emphasizes the
management and the sustainable use of soils and water resources.
Provides chapters on uses of soils; soil physical, chemical, and
biological properties; soil organic matter; water conservation, soil
fertility, plant nutrition and soil analysis; fertilizers and organic
matter soil amendments; tillage and conservation tillage; soil
conservation among others. Chapter 5: "Life in the soil" addresses the
soil food chain and carbon cycle, microorganisms, distribution and
function of soil organisms, and how to promote soil organisms.
Smillie, Joe, and Grace Gershuny. 1996. The Soul of Soil: A
Soil-Building Guide for Master Gardeners and Farmers (4th Edition).
White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
More hands-on and less academic than the above works, this book is
aimed at plant growers and has lots of practical information.
Miles, A., and M. Brown (eds.). 2003. Unit 2.3: An introduction to
soil biology and ecology. In Teaching Organic Gardening and Farming
Resources for Instructors. Santa Cruz, CA: Center for Agroecology and
Sustainable Food Systems, UC Santa Cruz.
Includes instructor lecture notes, detailed lecture notes for
students, suggested field demonstrations, and multiple laboratory
exercises for hands-on and experiential learning of soil biology,
ecology, and soil quality assessments.
Thien, Steve J., and John Graveel. 2002. Laboratory Manual for Soil
Science: Agricultural and Environmental Principles (8th Edition).
Contains 15 laboratory exercises that evaluate many of the fundamental
physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Contains
topical overviews, learning objectives, itemized procedures, data
templates, and review questions.
Weil, R.R. 2005. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Soils (7th
Edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
A comprehensive manual for conducting field and laboratory exercises
examining the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils.
See: Exercises 12 - Active Fraction Carbon and Soil Health; Exercise
13 - Microbial Activity Related to Decomposition and Nitrogen. Table
of contents available online:
Web Resources
Biological Diversity in Food and Agriculture
A project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Biological Diversity in Food and Agriculture provides
extensive informational resources on the role of native and
agro-biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems. Specific treatment is
given to Soils, Agroecosystems, Forests, Aquatic ecosystems, and
Pollinators. Contains many technical papers and links to other
international organizations working in the area of soil biology,
ecology, and conservation agriculture. See: Soil biodiversity and
Sustainable Agriculture; Soil Biota and Biodiversity: The "Root" of
Sustainable Agriculture.
Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
The Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education is a
comprehensive data base for life science educational resources. The
Journal is continuously updated online during the year and one hard
copy is published in December of each year by the American Society of
Agronomy. Contains links to following associations, each with
instructional resource components: American Association for
Agricultural Education; American Institute of Biological Sciences;
American Phytopathological Society; American Society for Horticultural
Science; American Society of Plant Biologists; Crop Science Society of
America; Ecological Society of America; Entomological Society of
America; Soil Science Society of America.
Soil Biological Communities
Web site from the US Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land
Management. Illustrated information about the soil food web and soil
organisms in rangelands. For resource professionals and students.
Soil Ecology Society (SES)
The Soil Ecology Society (SES) is an international organization of
researchers, students, environmental professionals, and others
interested in the advancement and promotion of soil biology and
The Soil Foodweb: Its Importance in Ecosystem Health, by Elaine Ingham
An article providing an overview of soil food web function and
structure; how the soil food web maintains environmental quality
through ecosystem services; and how the soil food web is degraded and
restored. Includes a short technical discussion of interpreting soil
food web structure.
Soil Quality Institute (USDA NRCS)
Contains extensive informational and educational resources on soil
biology and ecology. Contains special resources on Soil Biology and
Land Management, and Organic Agriculture and Resource Conservation,
outlining the positive role that organic farming practices can have on
soil quality.
Soil Quality Test Kit
The Soil Quality Test Kit Guide is an 82-page booklet containing
procedures for 12 on-farm tests, an interpretive section for each
test, data recording sheets, and a section on how to build the kit.
The website contains pdf files on how to use the SQTK to assess
various soil biological properties in the field. Includes the
following user-friendly soil biology assessment: Soil Respiration,
Earthworm Test.
UC SAREP, University of California: List of World Wide Web Sites with
Information about Soil Quality
An extensive listing of soil science organizations working in the area
of soil quality and sustainable agriculture.
Video Resources
Life In the Soil
30 minute video with excellent images of roots growing, fungi
spreading over leaves, and other microscopic views.
PowerPoint Resources
Introduction to Soil Health: Northeast Region SARE slide show.
Available online:
Provides 56 PowerPoint projections for discussing the concepts of soil
quality; the role of soil organic matter in soil fertility; soil
structure; nutrient cycling; measuring soil health; managing soil
health through cover crops, tillage, crop rotation, manures and the
use of off-farm inputs.
The Soil Biology Primer slide set - Soil Quality - Soil Biology
Technical Note No. 3. Available online:
This PowerPoint file contains many of the images found in the Soil
Biology Primer. Note: 10 MB PowerPoint file. Also available on a CD.
Soil Sustainability, by Hunter Francis, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and
Mark Van Horn UC Davis. See The California Agriculture Teacher's
Association (CATA) Sustainable Agriculture Power Point Resources: (see "Course Curriculum").
Addresses the importance of soil conservation in agriculture by
examining the role of soils and soil quality in agricultural
production. Addresses basic soil physical, chemical, and biological
properties of soils, and how soil fertility and the soil resource may
best be maintained through a set of conservation farming practices.
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