

2.) Create an inst account

2.) Create an inst account

If you are used to many Linux distributions, then you think of the
adduser and the useradd commands as being equivalent. One is simply a
link to the other. In Debian/Ubuntu this is not true. They are
distinct commands with different capabilities. If you are interested
in the differences type:

$ man adduser
$ man useradd

As you can see the adduser command is considerably more powerful. This
is what we will use to add a new user and to manipulate user accounts
later on.

At this point we would like you to create an account named inst with a
password given in class. This allows your instructors, your fellow
students or yourself a way to access your system if necessary. To do
this type:

$ sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash inst

You may be be prompted for your user password to use the sudo command.

You will be prompted for a password. Use what the instructor gives in
class. Please be sure to use this password. Your session will look
like this:

user@pcn:~# adduser --shell /bin/bash inst
Adding user `inst' ...
Adding new group `inst' (1001) ...
Adding new user `inst' (1001) with group `inst' ...
Creating home directory `/home/inst' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password: <ENTER pw given in class>
Retype new UNIX password: <ENTER pw given in class>
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for inst
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default cont: ==>
Full Name []: <Press ENTER for default>
Room Number []: <Press ENTER for default>
Work Phone []: <Press ENTER for default>
Home Phone []: <Press ENTER for default>
Other []: <Press ENTER for default>
Is the information correct? [y/N] y <Press ENTER for default>

At this point you are done and the user inst now exists on your machine.

In order to allow the new inst user to use the sudo command it must be
a member of the adm group. To do this you can type:

$ sudo usermod -G adm inst

And, to verify that inst is now a member of the adm group:

$ groups inst


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