If you are used to many Linux distributions, then you think of the
adduser and the useradd commands as being equivalent. One is simply a
link to the other. In Debian/Ubuntu this is not true. They are
distinct commands with different capabilities. If you are interested
in the differences type:
$ man adduser
$ man useradd
As you can see the adduser command is considerably more powerful. This
is what we will use to add a new user and to manipulate user accounts
later on.
At this point we would like you to create an account named inst with a
password given in class. This allows your instructors, your fellow
students or yourself a way to access your system if necessary. To do
this type:
$ sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash inst
You may be be prompted for your user password to use the sudo command.
You will be prompted for a password. Use what the instructor gives in
class. Please be sure to use this password. Your session will look
like this:
user@pcn:~# adduser --shell /bin/bash inst
Adding user `inst' ...
Adding new group `inst' (1001) ...
Adding new user `inst' (1001) with group `inst' ...
Creating home directory `/home/inst' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password: <ENTER pw given in class>
Retype new UNIX password: <ENTER pw given in class>
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for inst
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default cont: ==>
Full Name []: <Press ENTER for default>
Room Number []: <Press ENTER for default>
Work Phone []: <Press ENTER for default>
Home Phone []: <Press ENTER for default>
Other []: <Press ENTER for default>
Is the information correct? [y/N] y <Press ENTER for default>
At this point you are done and the user inst now exists on your machine.
In order to allow the new inst user to use the sudo command it must be
a member of the adm group. To do this you can type:
$ sudo usermod -G adm inst
And, to verify that inst is now a member of the adm group:
$ groups inst
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