

Exercises for Technical Introduction

Exercises for Technical Introduction Draft Version 1.0
December 2007

Note to instructor: The exercises on this page (p. 0) occur only
within the PowerPoint file.

Choice of Number: Exercise

Work out these 5 examples together as a class. Then have learners do
the Choice of Number exercise (p. 1 of Technical Introduction
exercises, below) individually or as pairs.

1. Leopards, tigers, and lions (interdisciplinary work)
Answer: 599.755 (Interdisciplinary number: "Class here big cats";
also note see references)

2. History of Swaziland and Lesotho
Answer: 968.85 (First-of-two rule)

3. Volcanoes and earthquakes (interdisciplinary work)
Answer: 551.2 (Exception to first-of-two rule: 2 major subdivisions
of broader subject)

4. Obedience training for your miniature Schnauzer
Answer: 636.755 (Rule of zero; rule of application)

5. Middle-aged veterans as workers [labor economics]
Answer: 331.394 (Preference note at 331.3-331.6; class with aspect
coming first)


Number Building: Exercise

Work out these 4 examples together as a class. Then have learners do
the Choice of Number + Basic Number Building exercise (p. 2 of
Technical Introduction exercises, below) individually or as pairs.

1. Journal of marketing management
Answer: 658.8005 (658.8001-658.8009 Standard subdivisions)

2. History of banks in Washington, D.C.
Answer: 332.109753 (T1--09 + T2)

3. Thai cooking: recipes
Answer: 641.59593 (641.509 displaced to 641.59; direct add from T2)

4. Foreign relations between the United States and Canada (emphasis on U.S.)
Answer: 327.73071 (327.093-327.099 displaced to 327.3-327.9; direct
add from T2 [twice, with intervening 0 facet indicator])
Exercises for Technical Introduction: Choice of Number Draft Version 1.0
December 2007
1. Marriage and cohabitation in contemporary societies: Areas of
legal, social, and ethical change: An international and
interdisciplinary study
LCSH: Marriage--Congresses
LCSH: Unmarried couples--Congresses
Answer: 306.81
(Interdisciplinary number; first-of-two rule)

2. Marriage customs around the world: From henna to honeymoons
LCSH: Marriage customs and rites
Answer: 392.5
(A specific aspect of marriage, this time in customs)

3. Ireland and Scotland: Order and disorder, 1600-2000
LCSH: Ireland--History
LCSH: Scotland--History
Answer: 941.1
(First-of-two rule)

4. Birds and mammals
LCSH: Mammals
LCSH: Birds
Answer: 599
(Class here warm-blooded vertebrates [implicit comprehensive number]
overrides first-of-two rule; structural hierarchy evident in see
reference from 599 to birds and class-elsewhere note at 598 for
comprehensive works on warm-blooded vertebrates in 599)

5. Quick vegetarian pleasures
LCSH: Vegetarian cookery
LCSH: Quick and easy cookery
Answer: 641.5636
(Table of preference at 641.5)

6. Cultural sites of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia
LCSH: Burma--Civilization
LCSH: Thailand--Civilization
LCSH: Cambodia--Civilization
Answer: 959
(Rule of three)

7. Wooden chairs for the home
LCSH: Woodwork
LCSH: Chairs--Design and construction
Answer: 684.13
(Rule of zero--choose 684.13 Chairs and tables over 684.104 Wooden furniture)

Exercises for Technical Introduction: Choice of Number and Basic
Number Building

8. In search of modernity: Science and technology in Africa
LCSH: Science--Africa
LCSH: Technology--Africa
Answer: 509.6
(First-of-two rule; T1 already in schedule + T2)

9. History of mathematics in Hungary until the 20th century
LCSH: Mathematics--Hungary--History
Answer: 510.9439
(Rule of application; add T1--09 + T2)

10. Gardening online
LCSH: Gardening--Computer network resources--Directories
LCSH: Web sites--Directories
Answer: 025.06635
(See reference from 025.04 to 025.06; add instruction at 025.06)

11. The wearing of the green: A history of St. Patrick's Day [March 17]
LCSH: Saint Patrick's Day--History
Answer: 394.262
(Standing room, so can't add standard subdivision)

12. Metallurgical dictionary
LCSH: Metallurgy--Dictionaries
Answer: 669.03
(Some standard subdivisions are in the schedule already, but others
can be added)

13. Alpine circus: A skier's exotic adventures at the snowy edge of the world
LCSH: Skiers--United States--Biography
LCSH: Downhill skiing
Answer: 796.935092
(Table of preference at T1--choose -092 Persons over -093-099
Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities)

Exercises for Technical Introduction: Choice of Number: No
answers Draft Version 1.0
December 2007

1. Marriage and cohabitation in contemporary societies: Areas of
legal, social, and ethical change: An international and
interdisciplinary study
LCSH: Marriage--Congresses
LCSH: Unmarried couples--Congresses

2. Marriage customs around the world: From henna to honeymoons
LCSH: Marriage customs and rites

3. Ireland and Scotland: Order and disorder, 1600-2000
LCSH: Ireland--History
LCSH: Scotland--History

4. Birds and mammals
LCSH: Mammals
LCSH: Birds

5. Quick vegetarian pleasures
LCSH: Vegetarian cookery
LCSH: Quick and easy cookery

6. Cultural sites of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia
LCSH: Burma--Civilization
LCSH: Thailand--Civilization
LCSH: Cambodia--Civilization

7 Wooden chairs for the home
LCSH: Woodwork
LCSH: Chairs--Design and construction

Exercises for Technical Introduction: Choice of Number and Basic
Number Building

8. In search of modernity: Science and technology in Africa
LCSH: Science--Africa
LCSH: Technology--Africa

9. History of mathematics in Hungary until the 20th century
LCSH: Mathematics--Hungary--History

10. Gardening online
LCSH: Gardening--Computer network resources--Directories
LCSH: Web sites--Directories

11. The wearing of the green: A history of St. Patrick's Day [March 17]
LCSH: Saint Patrick's Day--History

12. Metallurgical dictionary
LCSH: Metallurgy--Dictionaries

13. Alpine circus: A skier's exotic adventures at the snowy edge of the world
LCSH: Skiers--United States--Biography
LCSH: Downhill skiing


ข้อสอบครูชำนาญการพิเศษ *
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* บทเรียนบทรัก ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก
กลอนรัก เพลงรักhttp://love8love9.blogspot.com

* ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก กลอนรัก


