

Use the ip tool

Use the ip tool

The ip command is a powerful network debugging tool available to you
in Ubuntu. You may have already used this tool in other Linux
distributions. But, if not, start by reading:

$ man ip

As you can see this tool is designed to, "show/manipulate routing,
devices, policy routing and tunnels."

For instance, if you are wondering what your default route is (or are)
you can simply type:

$ ip route

This is actually short for "ip route show". Maybe you are wondering
out which interface packets will go to a certain address? A quick way
to find out is:

$ ip route get

Clearly you can substitute any IP address you wish above. This is
useful for boxes that have multiple network interfaces defined.

Maybe you want to be able to sniff packets coming across an interface
on your box. To do this you may wish to place your interface in
promiscuous mode. Often this requires updating a kernel parameter.
With the ip command you can do:

$ sudo ip link set eth0 promisc on

Note the use of "sudo" here as setting an interface requires admin
privileges. Now you can snoop the packets on the eth0 interface by

$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0

Be sure to read the man page for tcpdump if you want further information.


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