Purpose And Users
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
Purpose And Users
Aims of this Exercise
In the following exercises you will develop the basics of e-learning
strategy and proposal documents.
Note that in these exercises you should work in small groups.
1.1 The Purpose Of Your Proposed E-Learning Service
What is the purpose of your proposed e-learning service?
You should include details of the purpose as perceived by potential
users of the service and the purposes from the perspective of your
organisation, the developers, academics and other stakeholders.
1.2 Your Intended Users
Who are the proposed users of your e-learning service?
Give a summary of the different groups, and any special
characteristics of the groups.
You may also wish to list groups who you do not envisage being users
of your e-learning service.
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
E-Learning Content
Aims Of This Exercise
In the following exercises you will describe the content and coverage
to be provided in your proposed e-learning service
2.1 The Coverage Of Your Proposed E-learning Service
What subject areas will be covered by your proposed e-learning service?
What levels will be covered?
What areas will not be covered?
2.2 Content Creation For Your Proposed E-learning Service
How will the content of your proposed e-learning service be created or obtained?
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
Support Arrangements
Aims Of This Exercise
In the following exercises you will describe the support
infrastructure needed for your proposed e-learning service.
3.1 Academic Support For Your Proposed E-learning Service
Who will provide the pedagogic support your proposed e-learning service?
3.2 Technical Support For Your Proposed E-learning Service
Who will provide the technical support your proposed e-learning service?
3.3 Administrative Support For Your Proposed E-learning Service
Who will provide the administrative support your proposed e-learning service?
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
Technical Infrastructure
Aims Of This Exercise
In the following exercises you will describe the technical
infrastructure to be used for your proposed e-learning service.
4.1 Standards For Your Proposed E-learning Service
What standards are relevant for your proposed e-learning service?
4.2 Technical Architecture For Your Proposed E-learning Service
What technical architecture do you intend to use for your proposed
e-learning service?
4.3 Applications For Your Proposed E-learning Service
What application areas do you intend to provide for your proposed
e-learning service?
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
Aims Of This Exercise
In the following exercises you will describe the evaluation and risk
assessment processes for your proposed e-learning service.
5.1 Risk Assessment For Your Proposed E-learning Service
Who approaches to risk assessment will you use for your proposed
e-learning service?
5.2 Evaluation For Your Proposed E-learning Service
Who will provide the pedagogic support your proposed e-learning service?
5.3 Acceptance Testing For Your Proposed E-learning Service
What approaches for acceptance testing will you deploy for your
proposed e-learning service?
Developing An E-Learning Strategy:
Implementation & Deployment
Aims Of This Exercise
In the following exercises you will address the implementation and
deployments processes for your proposed e-learning service.
6.1 Organisational Acceptance For Your Proposed E-learning Service
What processes will be needed to gain organisational acceptance for
proposed e-learning service?
What personalities, groups, etc. will be involved?
How will you seek to gain support from these stakeholders?
6.2 Deployment Of Your Proposed E-learning Service
What processes will be needed to implement your proposed e-learning
service once gain organisational acceptance has been obtained?
What personalities, groups, etc. will be involved?
How will you seek to gain support from these stakeholders?
6.3 Gap Analysis
What other important aspects of an e-learning strategy have not been
covered in these exercises?
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