

Synchronous Exercises from Scratch

-- Synchronous Exercises from Scratch
By Jennifer Hofmann
Want to incorporate collaboration tools into your next synchronous
class? Use these tips to build engaging exercises.
Organizations that invest in synchronous training products have
visions of brilliant collaboration taking place across the bandwidth.
Why then are so many synchronous programs still designed to highlight
the "Sage on Stage?"
The answer lies in the notion that training departments have little
time to experiment with collaborative tools, or to adapt classroom
exercises to get the most impact from the new delivery method.
Consequently, programs often create passive experiences for
participants, and they fail to meet quality standards set for
traditional training programs.
Designers need to learn to take advantage of the various communication
features offered by synchronous classroom applications. For example,
conduct a brainstorming activity in the chat area to engage kinetic
learners who need to physically do something. Similarly, use group
whiteboard activities that appeal to kinetic learners and attract
visual learners who prefer a graphic representation of ideas. You can
gauge participants' interest and comprehension by their level of
participation in such exercises. More important, instant collaboration
tools can reduce the feeling of isolation that participants feel when
they're remote from the instructor.
Here are some tips for building effective collaborative exercises.
Whiteboard designs
Whiteboards typically contain some combination of the following tools:
pencil, eraser, text, color, lines, and various shapes. Each vendor
offers different whiteboard features, such as the capability to import
files and use them in the style of prepared flip charts. Likewise,
some whiteboards are object-oriented. My personal favorite feature is
the capability for multiple people to write on the whiteboard at one
For visual learners, a whiteboard can be one of the most effective
tools in the synchronous classroom. Whiteboards allow for instant
visual communication over a long distance and invite everyone to
participate. Kinesthetic learners appreciate the ability to interact
physically with the tool because it helps to keep their attention
Tips for creating whiteboard exercises include the following:
* Plan the exercise. If you want to have six people write responses on
the whiteboard, prepare a grid with six boxes so participants can
clearly identify their individual spaces.
* Encourage creativity. Rather than instruct participants to type
responses, encourage them to draw pictures, use different colors and
fonts, and highlight important parts of their drawing.
* Let it get messy. Sometimes participants will color outside the
lines or write in someone else's box. So what? If they're too
concerned about crossing over, they'll tend to be less creative.
* Involve everyone. If only a few participants are writing ideas on
the whiteboard, ask the rest to comment or interpret the pictures.
* Play games. Have participants draw in missing parts of diagrams,
complete crossword puzzles, or play games. This is a great way to
reinforce content, energize the audience, and have fun.
Chat designs
Chat tools are most commonly used to address technical support issues
and content-related questions--particularly anonymous questions. While
that's an important function, it's a shortsighted view of a
potentially powerful interaction tool.
Chat exercises can be an effective outlet for excess energy present in
kinesthetic learners. Chat offers a different communication method to
break up lectures. If your chat application offers a transcript
feature, you can post assignments, expectations, and participant
feedback, and use the results later in the class or after the class.
For example, chat exercises can capture results of brainstorming
Sometimes you might need feedback from all participants at the same
time, but can't afford to spend too much time on the exercise. Using
the chat function keeps everyone engaged and minimizes the time
investment. For example, rather than having all participants in a
10-person class answer a question verbally, ask them to type their
answers in the chat room and give them time to review the answers
provided by peers. You can then respond to certain comments as
Tips for facilitating chat exercises include the following:
* Provide time boundaries. I once made the mistake of telling
participants to take a minute to record their thoughts in the chat
area. When I stopped the exercise at 30 seconds, I got complaints from
participants who expected the full minute. Give specific time limits
for chat exercises, and let people know when they have 15 seconds
left. This will allow those who need more time to budget their time,
and let those who respond more quickly know that they should get ready
to refocus on the class.
* Ignore poor spelling. Let participants know that they don't need to
be anxious about spelling and grammar while using the chat feature.
The time allotted is for idea development and communication rather
than editing.
* Be specific about anticipated outcomes. Make certain participants
know specifically what you want them to do and how you want their
answers recorded. Good instructions equal effective exercises.
* Let participants reflect on peer responses. It's important for
learners to have time to compare and contrast their responses.
Encourage peer review by saying, "I'd like everyone to take a look at
Mary's response. Then take 30 more seconds to record what you think
led her to that decision. Respond in the chat room."
Web browser designs
The synchronous Web browsing feature on most collaboration tools
effectively makes the entire Internet, as well as an organization's
corporate intranet, part of the synchronous classroom. Unfortunately,
this feature isn't used for much more than showing off an individual's
or organization's Website.
But there are several ways to maximizes this tool's potential. One
practical exercise is to conduct scavenger hunts. For example, send
participants in a sales training class to individual breakout rooms
and have them each research a competitor. In a writing class,
participants can visit publication Websites and critique writing
There are numerous sites available that boast trivia games, team
building exercises, and advanced testing applications. Send
participants to those sites, either as an intact class or individual
users or small groups in breakout rooms, to create competitions or
icebreakers that bridge the distance across the bandwidth.
Tips for facilitating Web exercises include the following
* Check a Website's policies before incorporating it into your
program. You might need to pay a fee or subscribe before you can use
it in a training program. Usually an email to the Webmaster can answer
your policy questions.
* Check URLs before class. Websites go down or site content changes
unexpectedly. Always have a backup plan or exercise. Don't let the
Internet's changing nature make you anxious; embrace it.
* Make certain participants have necessary plug-ins. If Websites
require such programs as Flash, Adobe Acrobat, or Real Player, you
must give learners instructions for downloading the necessary files to
their browsers. Plug-ins are updated often, so remember to check for
the newest version.
* Be aware of bandwidth and firewall issues. Don't stream movies that
require high-bandwidth to participants on 56K modems. Have test logins
for participants who login from behind firewalls.
* Test secured sites for access requirements. If you need a password
to access a secure site, your participants may need one as well.
* Provide clear instructions. Be sure to give participants printed
workbooks that include URLs, step-by-step instructions for using the
collaboration tools, and detailed information about the exercises.
Remember that when participants are in breakout rooms their access to
the facilitator isn't immediate. You don't want them to feel lost in
* Tie individual and small group results to the program design. Create
a debrief session. If participants don't understand the exercise's
relevance to the program, they may resent doing the work. If the
exercise was an icebreaker or energizer, make those intentions clear.
The best way to maximize your investment in a synchronous training
tool is to maximize the quality of your programs by encouraging
collaboration between your participants. Take time to design creative
exercises that engage users, deliver results, and exceed expectations.


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