

8.) Create the locate database

8.) Create the locate database

One of the easiest ways to find files on your system is to use the
locate command. For details, as usual, read the man pages:

$ man locate

We assume you are familiar with this command, but building the locate
database is a bit different on different Linux and Unix versions.

Locate uses a hashed database of f filenames and directory paths. the
command searches the database instead of the file system to find
files. While this is much is much more efficient it has two downsides:
1. If you create the locate database as root then users can see files
using locate that they otherwise would not be able to see. This is
considered a potential security hole.
2. The locate command is only as precise as the locate database. If
the database has not been recently updated, then newer files will be
missed. Many systems use an automated (cron) job to update the locate
database on a daily basis.

To create an initial locate database, or update the current one do:

$ sudo updatedb

Once this process completes (it may take a few minutes) try using the command:

$ locate ssh

Quite a few files go past on the screen. To find any file with "ssh"
in it's name or it's path and which has the string "conf" you can do:

$ locate ssh | grep conf

Read about "grep" using "man grep" for more information. The locate
command is very powerful and useful. For a more exacting command you
can consider using "find". This is harder to use and works by
brute-force. As usual do "man find" for more information.


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