This is a large topic. Your instructor should have discussed this with
you previously. In general you can use apt-get to install software,
clean up software installs, remove software and update your
repositories. You can use aptitude as a meta-installer to control apt.
The dpkg command extracts and installs individual Debian packages and
is called by apt. In addition, synaptic is a graphical interface to
apt that can be used in Gnome or KDE. Finally, apt-cache allows you to
view information about already installed packages.
We are going to concentrate on the apt-get method of software
installation. But you should spend some time reading about and
learning about how apt (in general), aptitude, dpkg, apt-cache, and
synaptic work. To do this read the man pages for each:
$ man dpkg
$ man apt
$ man apt-get
$ man aptitude
$ man apt-cache
You don't need to read each man page in detail as this could take a
while, but review them enough to understand the basics of each command
and how they differ.
After reading try a few commands:
$ dpkg
$ dpkg -help | more [space for next page, or CTRL-C to exit more screen]
$ apt-get | more
$ sudo apt-get check [what does the "check" option do?]
$ aptitude [Look around at what is installed.]
$ apt-cache | more
$ apt-cache stats
$ apt-cache search nagios2
$ apt-cache showpkg nagios2 | more
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