1. Create a new directory profileCollection on your local hard disk
and create a new ODV collection in this directory using ODV's File>New
option. Choose a name for the new collection, e.g., MyProfiles. When
prompted for the definition of variables in the collection choose
Medatlas Bottle variables. Note that the newly created collection is
empty, initially.
2. Import some Medatlas bottle data from file b0653311.987 in the
\SeaDataNet\Reiner Schlitzer\importData directory. Use option
Import>Medatlas Format Files>Profile Data>Single File. Then use option
Full Domain from the map's popup menu to adjust the domain covered by
the imported stations. Undo last change before proceeding.
3. (Advanced) Import data from the US NODC World Ocean Database 2005
file OSDO1985.gz. Use option Import>NODC Formats>World Ocean
Database>Single File. On the Import Options dialog note that the WOD
2005 import file provides values for Depth [m] while the collection
stores Pressure [decibars]. Therefore, depths have to be converted to
pressure values during import. Use the ODV help to find out how to do
this. Don't forget to associate or convert other variables as well.
Also note that units for the nutrients in the source file and target
collection appear to be different. Do we need to convert these?
4. (Advanced) Download ARGO float profile data from
http://www.coriolis.eu.org/cdc/argo.htm and import them using
Import>ARGO Formats>Float Profiles (...)>Single File.
5. Create a new directory time-seriesCollection on your local hard
disk and create a new ODV collection in this directory using ODV's
File>New option. Choose a name for the new collection, e.g.,
MyTimeSeries. When prompted for the definition of variables in the
collection choose Medatlas Time Series variables. Note that the newly
created collection is empty, initially.
6. Import some Medatlas current meter data from file
example_medatlas_time_series.dat in the \SeaDataNet\Reiner
Schlitzer\importData directory. Use option Import>Medatlas Format
Files>Time Series Data>Single File. Then use option Full Domain from
the map's popup menu to adjust the domain covered by the imported
stations. Undo last change before proceeding.
7. Produce plot of current speed versus time.
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* ฟิสิกส์ ข้อสอบฟิสิกส์ บทเรียนฟิสิกส์ ฟิสิกส์ออนไลน์
โจทย์ฟิสิกส์ แบบฝึกหัดวิชาฟิสิกส์ โจทย์วิชาฟิสิกส์ โจทย์วิชาฟิสิกส์
* บทเรียนบทรัก ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก
กลอนรัก เพลงรักhttp://love8love9.blogspot.com
* ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก กลอนรัก