1. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle, E is the set of all points on
the edges. Divide E into two disjoint subset arbitrarily. Is it always
possible that one subset contains three points which form a right
angle triangle.
2. Given nine straight lines, each divides a square into two
quadrilaterals of areas . Show that there exist three lines that meet
at a point.
3. Let be a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers. Show
that there exist infinitely many expressible into the form , where
are distinct members in the sequence, x and y are suitable natural
4. Let be real numbers satisfying . Show that there exist integers
, not all zero, and , and
5. Color the integer coordinates , , , by red, blue and green
colors. Show that there exist a rectangle with sides parallel to the
two axes, which the four vertices are colored by the same color.
6. Take 19 different integers from 1 to 90 and consider their
differences, is it always possible to find three pairs whose
difference is the same?
7. Given a rectangle of size , put into it 120 squares of size
arbitrarily. Show that one may still put into it a circle of diameter
1 that does not overlap with any of the squares.
8. An n-digit number formed by the digits 1, 2 and 3, which appear at
least once. Determine the number of all such n-digit numbers.
9. Given 1938 sets such that each set contains 44 distinct positive
integers, and every two sets contain exactly 1 common element. Prove
that these 1938 sets contain exactly 1 common element.
10. Let f be a function sending complex numbers of norm 1 to itself
defined by with . Find the number of points of period 1989.
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