Regional MICS Workshop
Target group: 12-23 month-old children
Percent of population: 3 percent
Key indicator: polio immunization coverage
Anticipated prevalence: 40 percent
Design effect: No information available
Average household size: 5.5
With the parameters stated above:
1. Figure the sample size needed for your MICS.
2. Could you use the table provided in the "Sampling" presentation
file (Slide 10) to figure out the sample size, or is it necessary to
use the mathematical formula?
3. (Optional, time permitting) If you can use the formula and the
table, do they both give the same answer?
4. Suppose your design team has decided that 300 is the maximum number
of clusters that can be visited for MICS. What would the cluster size
Target group: 12-23 month-old children
Percent of population: 3 percent
Key indicator: DPT immunization coverage
Anticipated prevalence: 23.5 percent (from a previous survey)
Design effect: 1.75
Average household size: 6
With the parameters stated above:
1. Figure the sample size needed for your MICS.
2. Could you use the table provided in the "Sampling" presentation
file (Slide 10) to figure out the sample size, or is it necessary to
use the mathematical formula?
3. (Optional, time permitting) If you can use the formula and the
table, do they both give the same answer?
4. Suppose your design team has concluded that the cluster size should
be 25 households in order to construct feasible interviewer workloads.
How many clusters would be required?
Target group: 12-23 month-old children
Percent of population: 3.5 percent
Key indicator: DPT immunization coverage
Anticipated prevalence: 30 percent
Design effect: 1.5
Average household size: 4.5
With the parameters stated above:
1. Figure the sample size needed for your MICS.
2. Could you use the table provided in the "Sampling" presentation
file (Slide 10) to figure out the sample size, or is it necessary to
use the mathematical formula?
3. Suppose the design team is trying to decide among 300, 350 or 400
clusters. What would be the cluster size in each case?
4. Which of the 3 possible designs in question 3 would give the most
reliable results?
5. Which design would be the least costly to field?
ข้อสอบครูชำนาญการพิเศษ *
* ฟิสิกส์ ข้อสอบฟิสิกส์ บทเรียนฟิสิกส์ ฟิสิกส์ออนไลน์
โจทย์ฟิสิกส์ แบบฝึกหัดวิชาฟิสิกส์ โจทย์วิชาฟิสิกส์ โจทย์วิชาฟิสิกส์
* บทเรียนบทรัก ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก
กลอนรัก เพลงรัก
* ความรัก บทความความรัก ดูดวงความรัก นิยามความรัก กลอนรัก