

11.) Install Gnome 2.x

11.) Install Gnome 2.x

It is actually quite simple to install a graphical desktop on Ubuntu.
By default Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop. If you wish to use KDE with
Ubuntu there is a separate version of the Ubuntu distribution called
Kubuntu that you can find at www.ubuntu.com.

We have configured your workshop lab so that the files for Gnome are
on a local machine. The installation requires over 400MB of files to
download and over 1GB of total space. Downloading will not take long,
but unpacking and installing will take some time.

The Gnome desktop comes with the Ubuntu meta-package called "ubuntu-desktop".

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

This will now take quite some time. Feel free to go to lunch if it is
time do to that. If you are around when this install prompts you to
pick a default resolution for your Gnome desktop, then you should
choose: 1280x1024.


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